Monday, October 21, 2013

kulekhane hydro project-II

Power generation from 32 MW Kulekhane Hydro Project - II has been halted completely since Tuesday after fire damaged three transformers of powerhouse based in Bhainse VDC. The Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) said that damage could lead to rise in load shedding hours.
The fire that broke out at 11:45 last night damaged the property worth Rs 50 million, as per the preliminary estimation. According to project officials, the fire broke out after high voltage at electrical bushings that connects transformer and transmission line.
“The bushings had exploded due to high voltage when one of the machines was in operation,” said Project chief Krishna Prashad Yadav. “The fire engulfed three transformers of the project.”
He said the details of the damage would be available only after a probe panel, formed for the purpose, submits its report. Personnel of the Nepal Army and Nepal Police and locals put out the fire after nearly two hours with the help of fire engines brought from Chitwan, Birgunj and Hetauda.
Officials said as the fire was promptly taken under the control, thus preventing damage to the project’s power house. “The delay in extinguishing the fire could have led to the total demolition of the power house,” said an official.
The transformers, imported from Korea at the time of the construction of the project, were repaired by Japanese technicians a couple of years ago after being damaged by lightening.
“It will take three days to open the damaged transformers,” said the technician, “Only then will we be in a position to tell how long it will take to repair them, the repairing cost and if it requires  foreign technicians.”
Meanwhile, the NEA said though the power generation from the project would disrupt the energy supply, it is not in a position to say if there would be additional power cuts beyond the current 12 hours a day.
“Until we have a report on the damage, we cannot say for sure if there would be additional load shedding hours,” said Bhuwan Chettri, Chief of System Operation Department.  According to NEA officials, the power supply will be managed by importing additional energy from India or by other means for the next few days. “If the project needs to be halted for long, we will come up with a new load shedding schedule or explore other avenues,” said Chettri.

Karra river

Karra river is one of the important part of the hetauda city. It is originated from Chaugada and ends when mixes with Rapti river. It is the river which separate Kamane and Hetauda city. It is too much polluted due to unwanted garbage  disposal of the industries and human. People near the river are directly and indirectly dependent on the river. This river is main source of irrigation for the local people. people near this river use this river for fishing,drinking,bathing etc.

Makwakpur Multiple Campus

Makawanpur Multiple Campus (MMC) is the leading educational institution located in Hetauda with a long history contributing to national educational evolution. Established in 2037 BS, MMC is a non-profit earning public campus governed and managed by a management committee consisting of members from different walk of social life. MMC has proved itself to be one of the best campuses run by community around the country.
MMC has made a history and is dedicated to shape the future for the betterment of students as well as the education system of Nepal. It has earned faith and credibility of community and is committed to preserve it through quality education in a disciplined and enlightening environment. 
University Grant Commission has chosen MMC as one of the best community campuses around the nation. Such an honor is the product of long dedicative history along with the best products of the MMC who are occupying the privileged posts in different governmental and non-governmental institutions. UGC has chosen MMC as one of the best five campuses around the country for Second Higher Education Project to develop it as a regional university under the pretext of its good governance, quality education and reliable infrastructures. The project has been already started; therefore MMC has begun to develop new facilities like IT-Room, Web Class and Projector facility in the classroom.

Manakamana Temple

Manakamana Temple which is situated in Bhirav hill on the northern side of Hetauda is famous famous for small Manakamana. It is famous religious spot of makwanpur district . Numbers of Hindus  and other people visit this place to show their devotion to lord goddess Manakamana Devi.
Most of the people visit this temple on Saturday. it is believed that who ever visit the temple with with pure heart will be blessed by Devi.people from far areas often visit temple. it is also a famous picnic spot of Makwanpur district. Most of the tourist are local so, they camp their tent and enjoy their dry picnic. We can see whole Hetauda city from Manakamana temple. It is also famous for sunrise. View from Manakamana  is very clear and beautiful. We can go temple by trekking or by motor ways. Roads has been developed so the goods can be easily imported and exported.
Economy of the village is totally dependent upon the temple. All the money which is raised from the temple is used in the development of the village. Local people use the local resources to promote their economic status.

kulekhane -I

Kulekhani -1 is the only one reservoir type Hydroelectric Power Station in Nepal. Its installed capacity is 60 MW having two units each of 30 MW. This powerhouse was designed as peaking power station but it has been supporting as emergency stand by station also. The annual expected energy generation capacity as primary energy is 165 GWH and 46 GWH as secondary energy. This power station has generated 174.092 GWh of energy in fiscal year 061/62, an increase of 10.67% compared to the last years generation. With this generation the reservoir level has gone down to 1488 from 1530.5 meter. Generation from Kulekhani-1 contributed 7.19% in the INPS.

This project was constructed under the financial assistance of World Bank, The Kuwait Fund, OPEC Fund, the UNDP and the Overseas Economic Cooperation Fund (OECF) of Japan and Government of Nepal. The total project cost of the project was US$ 117.843 million and accordingly the project was transferred to NEA with a capital cost approximately NRs. 155 crores. The telemeter system installed for rainfall , water level measurement and indication cost around NRs. 13.74 crores. The cost of road, check dams and inclined tunnel are about 23 crores.

The main purpose for the construction of this power station was to take the peak load only but the unavailability of the sufficient power with respect to demand , the power station was forced to operate as and when required.

Kulekhani (Indra Sarovar)

Indra Sarovar is the largest man made lake constructed at the deep Gorge betn. Markhu & Kulekhani VDC by the Kulekhani hydro project. This is one and only hydro project based on reserve system. Several rivers are blocked by huge dam. This is 7 km. long and famous for rowing and fishery. It is in the distance of 35 km far from both Hetauda and Kathmandu. One can't miss the beautiful surrounding of hills, green forest and starry sky being amazingly reflected in the lake during bright full moon. The brooks, that join the lake (Indrasarovar) and the lake itself are famous for their fresh water fish like trouts.
fish farming in Indra Sarovar also know as Kulekhani lake in Markhu, Makwanpur. Indra Sarovar is the largest man made lake constructed at the deep Gorge between Markhu and Kulekhani VDC by the Kulekhani hydro project. This is one and only hydro project based on reserve system in Nepal. Several rivers are blocked to make this 7km long lake that is famous for fishery. The brooks, that join the lake (Indra Sarovar) and the lake itself are famous for their fresh water fish like trouts. [2010]


The Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science (IAAS) is an agricultural institute under Tribhuwan University in Nepal for college level training in agriculture and animal sciences. The IAAS originated as a school of agriculture established in 1957 in Kathmandu to train Junior Technical Assistants. In 1968 the school was upgraded to a college of agriculture.
In 1972 the college was recognized as the Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science under Tribhuvan University and moved to the present location at Rampur, Chitwan in 1974.